Weather Data


Weather Data



Tri-Basin NRD is looking for volunteers to record rain gauge readings at their home, farm, or place of business. TBNRD has joined with NRDs across the state to develop a rain gauge data collection network.

Our goal is to recruit at least one volunteer from each of Tri-Basin's 45 townships to record and transmit rainfall and snowfall data. The information provided by each volunteer will be used for local, state, and national weather forecasts and climate modeling.

Volunteers receive a rain gauge furnished by Tri-Basin NRD and funded by a grant from the Nebraska Environmental Trust. These gauges are quality instruments approved by the National Weather Service. If you are interested in reporting precipitation within the Tri-Basin NRD through this volunteer program, please contact Esther Smith, TBNRD NeRAIN Coordinator, by email at or by phone at 1-877-995-6688.

Visit the NeRAIN website.

Holdrege Monthly Weather Data

Holdrege Monthly PrecipitationHoldrege Monthly Temperature

Weather Resources