Irrigation Water Management

Irrigation Water Management

After you are done irrigating for the season on a well that is required to report Water Usage, make sure you read your meter. Contact the Tri-Basin at 308-995-6688 or stop in to get your record sheet.

When filling out the record sheet, please confirm irrigated acres, enter your crop, tillage practice, and ending meter reading for the year. All sheets need to be signed and returned to the Tri-Basin NRD by November 17th.


*We have recently switched over to a new data base and would like you to check over all sheets carefully to be sure ALL of the information is correct, including phone numbers, and to be sure you have a sheet for every water source required to report. Please contact us if you have any questions.


Union Township Information Page

NSWCP Flowmeter Cost-Share Available


Irrigation Water Management Tools

ET DATA Text Service

CNPPID Weather & ET Data 

UNL Crop Watch ET Data

NAWMN (Nebraska Agricultural Water Management Network) ET Data

TBAWMN (Tri-Basin Agricultural Water Management Network) ET Data

Tri-Basin Irrigator Newsletter