Tri-Basin Natural Resources District (NRD) sells conservation tree seedlings and offers tree planting services to residents of Gosper, Phelps, and Kearney Counties. If you are a rural landowner who wants to have a windbreak or shelterbelt planted, contact your county NRCS office or the NRD office at 1-877-995-6688 for help in determining the type and number of trees and shrubs you need. Tri-Basin NRD offers cost-share funds for tree plantings and plastic mulch installation.
You can also purchase trees and shrubs to plant by hand through Tri-Basin NRD. Orders must be in multiples of 25 per species. The deadline to order is April 1. Call the NRD office for a complete list of trees available or visit the Tri-Basin NRD website to print an order form. Weed barrier may be purchased at the NRD office as well. This barrier not only suppresses weeds but also helps to preserve soil moisture.
Why Plant a Windbreak?
Windbreaks and shelterbelts provide many benefits. Windbreaks planted along field boundaries reduce soil erosion by reducing wind velocity. Shelterbelts planted around farmsteads reduce heating costs in homes and shop buildings. Shelterbelts can protect livestock from blizzards and serve as "living snow fences". Trees and shrubs also provide food, shelter, and nesting habitat for many species of birds and mammals.
For more information about Tri-Basin NRD's Conservation Tree Sales Program, email Dalton Refior at
NRD Tree & Shrub Plantings
Contact the NRD Office or your county NRCS for help in determining the type and number of trees and shrubs you need. The technician will make arrangements for the tree order and planting service. The NRD will plant the trees according to the plan. Trees are planted in the spring as soon as conditions are suitable. The NRD tree planting crew will notify landowners as to the approximate date and time of the planting.
Site Preparation
Good site preparation is a key to rapid tree growth and survival. The best site preparation begins the year before the trees are planted. On heavier soils, working the ground to kill competing vegetation is an excellent method of preparing the site. The technician assisting in planning a windbreak or habitat plot can advise you about the type of site preparation needed. The technician can also help you determine if herbicide carryover will be a problem.
Weed Control
Weed control in the form of plastic mulch is available through the district. This woven material is installed over the trees after planting. Slots are then cut for the trees. Plastic mulch not only eliminates weeds but also helps to preserve soil moisture.
Planting Your Own Trees
You can also purchase trees and shrubs to plant by hand through Tri-Basin NRD. You can order trees and shrubs at the NRD or your local NRCS Office. Orders must be in multiples of 25 per species. The deadline to order is April 1. Weed barrier may be purchased at the NRD office as well. This barrier not only suppresses weeds but also helps to preserve soil moisture.
2025 TBNRD Hand Plant Order Form
Windbreak Renovation
Nebraska Soil and Water Conservation Program (NSWCP) cost-share is available for removing old windbreaks and planting new ones. It is best to plan a windbreak renovation at least one year in advance to allow for cost-share application approval, old windbreak removal, proper ground preparation and seedling planting. The site must be inspected prior to starting any work. Your NRCS office can help with the plans and paperwork. A list of available trees is on the hand plant order form under pricing.
For more information on cost-share click here or go to the Conservation Programs tab on the left.
Trees and Shrubs: $1 .00 each/multiples of 25
Tree Planting (no mulch): $ .55 per foot
Trees, Tree Planting, Mulch and Mulch Laying: $2.25 per foot
Drip Tape: $ .30 per foot
Drip Tape Set-Up: Minimum $35.00
Pull-In Charge: $55.00
Renovations: $275.00*
Shrub Thickets: $330.00*
Minimum 850 ft. per planting
Conservation Mulch (Material Only): $ .45 per foot
Stakes: $ .15 each
Seedling Tubes: $1.50 each
*Contact Tri-Basin NRD for site review
Tri-Basin NRD's Order Form for planting your own trees
Related Websites
Available Tree Species
Austrian Pine
Colorado Blue Spruce
Norway Spruce
Ponderosa Pine
Red Cedar
Black Walnut
Bur Oak
Red Oak
Swamp White Oak
American Plum
Red Osier Dogwood
Sand Cherry
Skunkbush Sumac
Tree orders are subject to availability at the nursery.
Weed control and frequent watering are of vital importance to improve survivability.