Tri-Basin Natural Resources District News

Tri-Basin Natural Resources District News

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HOLDREGE, Neb. – Tri-Basin Natural Resources District along with Pheasants Forever, Central Nebraska Public Power and Irrigation District, City of Holdrege and other volunteers conducted a prescribed...
NOTICE TO BIDDERS Tri-Basin Natural Resources District, hereinafter called the NRD, desires to receive sealed bids for herbicide application on several NRD-operated drainage ditches in Kearney County...
Conservation Tree Windbreaks Provide Critical Livestock Protection HOLDREGE, Nebraska – Tri-Basin Natural Resources District (TBNRD) is taking orders for conservation tree seedlings, and the deadline...
HOLDREGE, Nebraska – Tri-Basin Natural Resources District (Tri-Basin NRD) is now offering a Soil Moisture Sensor Cost-Share Program targeted at landowners in the Republican Basin section of the...
News Release by Lower Republican and Tri-Basin Natural Resources Districts (NRDs) The Nebraska Supreme Court handed down its decision in In Re Application A-19594 ( Central Platte NRD et al., and...
HOLDREGE, Neb. – Tri-Basin NRD board of directors voted to create an assistant manager position for the District at their September board meeting. The board selected district Water Resources Manager...
Holdrege, NE (August 8, 2023) – Tri-Basin Natural Resources District (TBNRD) staff, directors and guests spent the morning of Tuesday, August 8 th touring sites within the eastern half of the district...
LINCOLN, Nebraska – The Nebraska Corn Board, Nebraska Association of Resources Districts (NARD) and 17 of Nebraska's 23 Natural Resources Districts (NRDs) are pleased to announce the development of a...
Check out the KRVN Radio interview with Pat Nott, Tri-Basin NRD Water Technician. He is one of the team members from the Tri-Basin Water Watchers. They had the highest input use efficiency and second...
Request for Proposals Tri-Basin NRD will receive sealed bids for ALL-HAZARD MITIGATION PLAN UPDATE Bids for each of these project components will be accepted until 2:30 PM Central Time, Friday, July 8...
Holdrege, NE - Tri-Basin Natural Resources District (NRD) will give away free tree seedlings to district residents as part of our celebration of the 150 th Anniversary of Arbor Day on Friday, April 29...
Tri-Basin NRD Board of Directors held an emergency meeting on April 15 th to clarify how the district will assist constituents in Gosper County who suffered damage due to the windstorms and wildfires...
Tri-Basin NRD Offers Assistance to Gosper County Residents Impacted by Wildfires HOLDREGE, Neb. – Fires raged through Gosper County and into Furnas County on Thursday, April 7, devastating the area...
HOLDREGE, Neb. – Whether it’s a reptile wrapped around a wrist or a cool splash in the Middle Loup River, Adventure Camp about the Environment (ACE) has something to offer this summer. Nebraska’s...
LINCOLN, Nebraska – Students and instructors from 39 high schools met at the Bertrand Community Building to compete in State Land Judging Oct. 20. The Tri-Basin Natural Resources District (NRD)...
In celebration of Arbor Day on Friday, April 30, Tri-Basin Natural Resources District (NRD) will give away free tree seedlings to district residents. Planting a tree or shrub is always a good idea...
Two grazing opportunities are available in the Tri-Basin NRD this year. The City of Holdrege is seeking cattlemen to graze Lake Seldom West (SE ¼ Sec 5-5-18, Phelps Co. Nebraska). Both grass and...
Holdrege, Nebraska - Tri-Basin NRD is surveying of water users within the Little Blue Basin portion of the district. Groundwater levels in parts of the Little Blue basin have been declining for...
Producers from the Tri-Basin Natural Resources District earned top awards in the 2020 Testing Ag Performance Solutions (TAPS) program in the sprinkler sorghum and subsurface drip irrigated (SDI) corn...
Tri-Basin Natural Resources District hosted the Southwest Area Land Judging Contest last Wednesday, October 7, 2020, in Gosper County. Land Judging is a high school FFA competition that challenges...
Holdrege, NE (August 11, 2020) - Tri-Basin Natural Resources District (TBNRD) Directors and staff toured several projects in the district last week. During the month of August, TBNRD usually holds...
Holdrege, Nebr., April 22, 2020 – Prescribed burns help control native and non-native vegetation that encroach on rangeland prairie grasses. They help maintain the health of existing plants and add...
HOLDREGE, April 13, 2020 – Tri-Basin Natural Resources District (TBNRD) is working to make sure residents of Gosper, Phelps and Kearney counties can “stay home, stay healthy and stay connected.” TBNRD...
With spring just around the corner, now is the time to consider planting conservation trees in a windbreak or shelterbelt on your property. Tri-Basin Natural Resources District (NRD) sells...
Tri-Basin Natural Resources District (NRD) held its biennial recognition banquet at the Windmill in Minden on Thursday, January 11, 2019. The event was catered by Cozy Corner Café in Minden. District...