Adventure Camp about the Environment (ACE)

Kids at ACE

Adventure Camp about the Environment (ACE)

Nebraska’s NRDs annually host a natural resources camp called Adventure Camp about the Environment (ACE). ACE is open to students who have who have completed 6th or 7th grade and want to learn more about natural resources over their summer. The areas campers will learn about: water, forestry, range, wildlife, and soils. Campers will experience hands-on activities with a variety of presenters and explore possible careers in natural resources. ACE is hosted annually in June at Kamp Kaleo near Burwell, Nebraska. Camp is $235.00/camper and includes meals, lodging and activities. Find pictures and fun on our ACE Camp Facebook page at Adventure Camp about the Environment!

2024 ACE Camp: June 23-26, 2024

TBNRD ACE Scholarship Deadline is April 15th. Forms Below.

Most NRDs offer scholarships for students wanting to attend camp. Contact your local NRD for information on how to apply.

For more information email Sasha at or call 308-995-6688.

You may also contact the Nebraska Association of Resources Districts or Upper Loup NRD for additional information about the camp.